I fear I won’t get into the college of my choice and be a disappointment
I fear that I won't be accepted for my true goals and aspirations and that I won't be able to use my voice because I'm scared of what others will think.
I fear that I won’t reach the level of success I hope that i will - that will let myself down
I fear I’m not good enough compared to my peers
I fear that I will fail to meet the expectations of my mentors (Parents, Teachers) and myself
I fear that things to do will outpace my ability to keep up, leaving me always one step behind. "And yet, for the Lord's great mercy we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.
As a student leader in undergrad, Darryl understands the struggles and journeys of leaders on campuses. He’s an award-winning speaker who has collected more written students' fears than anyone in the world.
He’s impacted thousands of students on campuses and at major leadership conferences across the country. Darryl has also been a regular contributor on (THE CW) and appeared on a (CBS) news affiliate in Charlotte.
Darryl has received multiple awards, including his Alma Mater’s Ten Under Ten and the Charlotte Black Chamber’s Thirty Under Thirty awards. He’s also a TEDx Speaker, the author of two books, a husband and a father.
What's Up! I'm Darryl, a Corporate America dropout who quit my job to help students
Fifty-five thousand fears collected later, I'm a student fear collector—seven years, over 100k students, in over 38 states and three countries. I'm just getting started!
I'm a TEDx Speaker, the author of two books, and a student leader in recovery. My proudest moments occur when reading fearless stories from students and sharing the data I've collected.
I connect with students because I read their fears. I was in their shoes once, and I still, remember. I use that knowledge to impact them where it matters - their heart. Let's go!
Queue the music, engagement, and everything in between! Whether it be an In-person or virtual experience, your students will be engaged from start to finish.
Fire on the screen and notecards in hand, students write down their fears and place them in a fire pit (NOT real fire.)
I fear not achieving what others expect of me
I fear being my true authentic self because I feel I’ll be judged negatively
I fear I’ll never get past my anxiety and depression leaving me always suffering and no way out
I fear I’m not good enough compared to those around me- I fear not achieving what others expect of me
I fear letting what goes on at home affect me too much
I fear that I will never achieve my full potential and that my goals will be forgotten through time